
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

#EduRead - Exit Tickets

I'm so excited about tonight's #EduRead article - The Many Uses of Exit Slips. If you don't know what I'm referring to, #EduRead is a weekly twitter chat where we discuss an article at 8pm Central. You can learn more on the #EduRead blog

Anyway, my students today are taking a mock AP exam, so I decided to clean out my Google Drive and organize it a bit. I ran across a g-doc from 2011 with a list of Exit Ticket Prompts! How fitting that I find this today of all days! :) I did some searching online, but I have no idea where I got this list from, so if it belongs to you, please let me know so I can give it proper credit!

Here's the list:

Exit Ticket Prompts

“If I’ve taught this lesson to my students well, what one question should they be able to answer to prove to me they got the big idea?”
- Answer today’s EQ
- What is the most important thing we discussed today
- What was the most confusing idea presented today
- 3-2-1-- tell students: write down 3 things you learned, 2 questions you still have, and 1 connection you'd like to share—or 3 similarities between . . . , 2 predictions about . . . , 1 something else--- the 3-2-1 topics can be anything, and if they are related to the lesson, the next day's work, the unit theme, etc. so much the better
- What are three characteristics or parts of…
- In what other ways might we show or illustrate the point that….
- How is ….. similar to/different from… (Marzano comparisons)
- In what other ways might this problem/situation have been addressed?
- What are the three big ideas/concepts/ morals to be learned from this situation?
- How does ….. relate to.?
- What three related details can you add to this?
- Give three examples of how …. contributed to the situation.
- What is wrong with this statement? (Provide a false statement with at least three details.)
- What might happen if….
- What criteria would you use to judge or evaluate this event?
- What evidence supports…
- How might you confirm/prove the following statement? (Provide a statement.)
- How might this be viewed from the perspective of ….?
- What alternatives should have/could have been considered?
- What did you learn today?
- What do you think about …..?
- What are three things you would share with your younger brother about this topic?
- What are the three steps to completing an effective…..?
- What made learning easy for you today?
- What made learning difficult for you today?
- What do you still need to know before we move forward?
- What do you think our next steps should be?
- One thing I really liked about today’s class was….
- One thing I would like to know more about is….
- One thing that could be improved the next time would be…
- How will your learning change the way you see or do things in your life?
- What I found most useful was….
- I have questions about terms found on pages…..
- I think the chart on page 245 proves that….
- The three most interesting things I learned were….
- I need to ask about these three points…..
- The thing I found most challenging about this assignment was…
- The thing I found most enjoyable about this assignment was
- By citing page… I can now prove this point….
- The three most important ideas about this event were….
- List the three major advantages that …. has over…
- I am still confused about the idea of…
- Write one thing you learned today.
- What area gave you the most difficulty today?
- Something that really helped me in my learning today was ....
- What connection did you make today that made you say, "AHA! I get it!"
- Describe how you solved a problem today.
- Something I still don't understand is ...
- Write a question you'd like to ask or something you'd like to know more about.
- What mathematical terms do you clearly understand or have difficulty understanding?
- Did working with a partner make your work easier or harder. Please explain.
- In what ways do you see today's mathematics connected to your everyday life?

Saturday, April 19, 2014

In case you haven't noticed...

... I've been a bit absent on the blog-o-sphere. I know I don't have a ton of readership, but I feel horrible for not blogging and every day that goes by makes it easier to put it off for just one more day. :(

It's been a rough semester and there are 6 weeks left to go. I am having an awesome year in general and I love my classes and students, but 3 preps plus the other supervisory positions that I have are all adding up to too much on my plate. I am ready for this summer, even though it will be just as busy with the AP Reading, AVID training, and TMC14.

But enough whining... I want to talk ramble about #EduRead! :)

This past Wednesday, we met on twitter for a trial run of #EduRead, which is a weekly twitter chat where we read an educational article and discuss it. You can see the transcript and article on the #EduRead blog.

The article was about writing in math class and I really enjoyed it. I am very intimidated by the idea of writing, but I would definitely like to do more. On my drive home this week, I spent some time thinking about how I could incorporate writing in my classroom. I know I really want to do a better job with Exit Tickets next year, so I'm really looking forward to the #EduRead discussion on Exit Tickets on 4/30, but I know I won't be able to read those on a daily basis. I do think that a 3-2-1 on Fridays might be doable, and if it's a quiz/test day, they can do the 3-2-1 on the test/quiz paper. Maybe I need to come up with a 'schedule' for each day of the week so I don't have to do too much thinking about what to do each day.

One of the other things mentioned in the article was a portfolio. Several years ago, I created a "How To" notebook for my AP Stat classes, but I never could make it work the way I wanted to. I think it might be useful for my AP Students to have some sort of portfolio, but I'm at a loss of how to make it work. One of the former AP Calc teachers at my school using to do a "How To" type notebook that actually inspired mine and she loved it for calculus. She gave the students a list of topics, then gave them a prompt to fully answer for each topic. When I tried it, I was very disappointed in the student output, which led to me giving them something to copy down instead of doing it themselves, and I know that's not a good solution either. Of course, now that I'm thinking about it, it reminds me of earlier this week when students were working on some review material. I was so impressed with how they were using their class notebook to go back and look for the information from this fall, so maybe their portfolio is actually their INB? *Mind Blown* If that's the case, maybe I need to incorporate some writing assignments into the INB like the 'clock questions' and the 'parent review page' from some of the AVID training

So... Many... Thoughts...


Sunday, April 13, 2014

Crossposted - #EduRead - Trial Run - April 16, 2014

Crossposted from Read..Chat..Reflect..Learn!

#EduRead will officially start on April 23, but since the book chat for Powerful Problem Solving (#ppschat) wrapped up a week early, we are doing a trial run this Wednesday, April 16, 2014 at 8pm Central.

This Week's Article:
This week we will be reading the article 'Advanced Math? Write!' from the November 2002 edition of Educational Leadership. The theme of the magazine was Reading and Writing in the Content Areas and this article presents an easy to implement way to encourage writing in the math classroom.

About #EduRead
If you would like to submit an article to be read, please click here!

How it works:
1. Each week, we will post an article to be read here on the blog and publicize it on twitter using the hashtag #EduRead

2. We will have a weekly chat to discuss the article on Wednesday nights at 8pm Central.

3. If you choose, during that week, feel free to publish a blog post reflecting on the article or how you applied it to the classroom.

4. If you blog about the article, please post a link to your blog post in the comments section here so that we have an archive of blog posts relating to that week's article.