
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Made 4 Math - A day late...

Okay, I feel horrible that I'm a day late! But in my defense, it was one of those weekends that I did very little school work, other than clean out Google Reader! So I figure one week out of ten isn't too bad! Seriously though, can you believe we are on week 10!!!! Wowzers!

Anyway, my projects this week are products of necessity, so maybe this will help someone else :)

Project #1 - Bulletin Board Makeover
If you recall from my previous posts with pictures of my classroom, my AP Stat bulletin board was rather bare. However, prior to the students arriving, I did manage to fill it up with cartoons and comics relating to statistics. (Thank you XKCD!) This was all well and good until I started getting bombarded with paper! You see, in AP Stat, I'm not exactly doing the same type of Interactive Notebook as I am in Algebra 2. I'm doing more of the notebook idea from Infinite Sums $1 Textbook post. Included in this idea is having their practice problems included into their notebook and to save paper, the problems are typed out onto smaller strips of paper. This is great for the environment, but not so great when I have all of these small pieces of paper floating around my desk!

So, today after school, I had a brainstorm! I could use the colored card pockets like I used in Algebra 2, but use them to hold the strips of paper! When students are absent, they can go back to the board and find whichever problem set they need!

You will notice that the board isn't done... that's because I ran out of pockets that were already laminated! I will finish up the board tomorrow morning :)

Project #2 - Student Aide To-Do List
My student aide this semester seems really awesome. However, since he is off campus in the morning, sometimes he arrives a bit late to my class and I can't stop instruction to get him started on what I need for him to do. Up until now, I've used lots of post-it notes, but that was getting wasteful, so I decided to make a to-do list for him! I laminated it so it would be easy to write on with whiteboard markers and I could keep it at my desk during my plan, then move it over to his work station at lunch. I think I'm really going to like this!

Project #3 - My Wall Thingy
Yeah, this one isn't a project that *I* made, but it is something I bought, so that totally counts, right??? This summer, I ran across this hanging magazine file at Big Lots and *had* to have it! It hangs right by my desk and holds all of the important folders, such as my attendance folder, the reassessments folder, my Interactive Notebooks, etc. I love how easy this is AND how everything has its place!

So there you have it... My #Made4Math for Week 10!

(STILL can't believe we've made it to Week 10!!) :)


  1. I'm impressed! 10 weeks. What a great bunch of resources #made4math has made available. This idea been such a great contribution to the community.

  2. How awesome is that To Do list! It is a must make for my aide(s). I have one first period just for me but then have a few floaters throughout the day that can help me. This will totally make life simpler!

  3. @fourkatie - I know what you mean! I never thought #made4math would end up like it has, but it's been AMAZING! So grateful to all of you for sharing each week :)
