
Friday, September 21, 2012

My (current) Favorite App

Over the summer, I got an iPad. I actually got a great deal on it (Thanks, craigslist!) but up until now, I've not used it for much. I have a few apps on there, a few games and a few that are work related.

I guess I should back up a few years.... last time I taught Algebra 2, I decided to start making Jing screencasts for my students to help them review for tests. This really went over very well with my students, so I kept it up all year and the kids really loved it. Last year, I had plans to create similar screencasts for AP Stat, but I had moved to a new building and the technology did not play well at all. So I worked with a Bamboo tablet and a microphone at home to create Jing screencasts, but the Bamboo tablet wasn't the easiest thing in the world to write on. Then, as I got more and more interested in flipping the classroom, I decided I wanted an iPad, which led to a LOT of craigslist surfing :)

So, finally I found a great deal and off I went. Except that I haven't used it. (Other than sudoku *hehe*). So this week in AP, I decided I was going to try a screencast on the iPad to see how it worked. I had downloaded a few of the apps and my favorite, by far....

Educreations is a FREE app that lets you record multi-page screencasts, insert images, etc. It also has a web application where you can create screencasts via your computer. Other than some pre-planning on my part, it was so easy and within about 30 minutes, I had 3 screencasts created. Click HERE to see one of the screencasts I made this week.

Yup... It's a keeper! :)

What are other MUST-HAVE apps???

1 comment:

  1. This post is quite timely for me! My husband has an iPad that he uses occasionally for work, but mostly to read his blog feeds. In the 2 years he's had it, I've hardly used it at all - but just this week I realized I could use it to make podcasts. Thanks for checking out the apps and finding a free one that works well! I will definitely be trying it out, and I look forward to see what other great iPad apps people are using!
