
Monday, October 22, 2012

#Made4Math - Around the World

This past week was Fall Break and let me tell you - I needed it! Just a few days of sleeping in, taking naps, etc really helped me to rest and relax. In fact, yesterday, as I was thinking about this week's lesson plans, I even had the energy to be creative again! :)

On a typical Sunday, I can spend many, many hours tossing and turning ideas over in my mind until I finally settle on what I want to do. But not this week! Within about 3 hours, I had all of my lessons ready to go for this week - yay!

So here's what I'm doing this week on our block schedule day...

This activity has many names, but I call it "Around the World". In this activity, I have 18 problems and answers that I will post around my room. Each pair of students will pick a problem, go to that location, work the problem, then find the answer on another card and work that one. It continues until they have worked all of the problems and they are back to their original starting place. This one is specifically to help review normal distribution problems for my AP Stat class.

I hope all of you have a wonderful week!


  1. My AP class starts Monday and I've spent the last hour reading every word of your blog. I truly wish I could come and spend time observing and watching you teach. You are like my stats idol and I wanted to let you know that I truly appreciate all the information and resources you have made available. Thanks again! Rachel

  2. I love your blog! I have found and used so many of your ideas in my own classroom. Thank you!

    Is this particular activity saved as a file for download? I'd love to use this in my AP class next week. :)

  3. Sarah... I'd be happy to send it to you! Just let me know an email address to send it!

  4. Please send me one too if you dont mind! This is my 2nd year teaching ap stat and i am so thankful for you sharing so many great ideas! My email is .
