
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Projects Galore!

On the way home from school today, I really debated with myself about posting tonight or waiting until next week's Made4Math post. However, I'm just so pumped at how my room is shaping up that I couldn't wait a week to share!

Yesterday, I had a meeting at 3pm and since I live 30 minutes from my school, I decided to go up and work in my room prior to the meeting. I knew I was going to have some student helpers today so I was trying to get things ready for them.

I knew I would have the students (2 girls) for 2 hours, so I was really hoping we could get it all done! Over the weekend, I had spent time getting things printed off and organized so that today would be mostly assembly, and you can see all of the various components on the table above.

Poster Project
This morning I got to school about 30 minutes before the girls arrived, which gave me time to warm up the laminators, etc. When the girls showed up in my room, I quickly put them to work on a traffic light poster (inspired by @pamjwilson) and told them they had creative control. Thankfully one of the girls is as OCD as I am about how things look, so here's the final product:

Group/Table Project
While they had been working on the poster, I was laminating a ton of things, including a new calendar set because when I moved rooms, my "31" of my calendar set went missing! So after the poster was done, it was time to cut, cut, cut, and cut some more! Here's a shot of some of the work the girls did today:

You can see the table signs that I posted on Made4Math, plus my new trash pails for each table, and my new group buckets. I really LOVE the way this all turned out and how classy it looks!

Bulletin Boards Project
While they worked on that, I worked on cutting out the calendar set and getting it all assembled. (Can I just say that I love this set? Thank you Dollar Tree!)

Shoutout here to @pamjwilson -- the black hanging file is where I put absentee work... note the color coding! :)

You can also see the new poster on the big doors. Those doors open to a science classroom on the other side. Second semester, the science teacher and I will be team teaching a Forensic Science class, so that's why we both had to move rooms this summer! I'm not sure what to put on the other door yet, so I'm open to suggestions!

And finally, the last picture is a plea for HELP!!!

I need ideas for that bulletin board over on the left... please please please help me!!! :)

My room isn't totally done, but I'm making progress :)


  1. High five! Love that calendar set! What about the henry ford thinking quote for the other door? I have nikes tag from olympics last year on my door exitting the room Find Your Greatness...

    Also, i pinned a brainstorm bulletin board the other day, would love to create it, then incorporate puzzles, riddles, problem solving tasks into it some how.

    I got some cut outs of buckets, thinking of having competetion btwn classes to fill their buckets...originally thought acts of kindess, but after convo with algebrainiac, thinking problem solving.

  2. Love, love, love your classroom. It looks so inviting and fun. I wish I could come and visit IRL.

  3. I am jealous of your furniture! I would love to have individual desks and chairs!

    How do you plan to use the stop light?

    Your empty bulletin board could list the Standards of Mathematical Practice, become a word wall, present a problem of the day/week/month, or be a space to share work they're proud of.

  4. Hi There,

    Great work! I am with Kathryn, Standards of Mathematical Practice. And student work. I also like the quote, "make it a great day."
    You could also Laminate, "WOW" (Walk out with" and put your goals for the day. Amy

  5. Your classroom is soooooooo cute. I'm so jealous, especially as a first year teacher, at that point where i'm not getting paid yet, but i'm beyond ready to start decorating!

  6. Hey Shelli! I'm thinking about doing a bulletin board that has BE in huge letters and has a ton of words around it that I want my students to become throughout the year.. Ex: "mathematicians" "Passionate" "Critical Thinkers" "Kind" "Open-minded", etc.
    Just an idea for the board!

  7. Love your classroom! It is super stylish. I'm looking for those bins at dollar tree - looks like they are on backorder here. :( Super bummed because NOBODY anywhere has anything even remotely perfect like that at dollar tree!
