
Thursday, July 17, 2014

July Blogging Challenge - Binder Help

Today is a cold, rainy day.  As a result, I have a headache and I really just want to cuddle up with my Kindle.  Days like today are really rare in my area.  Usually, mid-July is around 100 dF, not the current 65 dF - that's even colder than our normal daily low!  BRRR :)

Today I have a dilemma... I need to revamp my binder but I'm not sure how to do it.  I have two ideas floating in my head and YOU get to help me choose!

Binder #1
The first option is one inspired by my desk calendar that I purchased last winter in the Target Dollar Spot.  It is a weekly calendar with the dates at the left and "jot space" on the right.  I really love this calendar, so I replicated it for my teacher binder:
Each week will be a two page spread.  On the left pages are my weekly lesson plans.  On the right page is a weekly calendar with jot space.  Here will be my to-do lists, notes to myself, etc.

Binder #2
The second option was inspired by the traditional agendas that you find in the back to school aisle, with a full week on a two-page spread.
On this one, each row represents a day, with the day being split into three columns.  The left (and largest) column is for general agenda stuff, meetings, etc.  The right two columns are for lesson plans.  I like this layout in general, but it doesn't give me the "jot space" of Binder #1.  On the right page, I would probably add something to the header area, but not sure what.  I suppose I could combine the weekend days and put a jot space there...

Help me out..
Which one do you like?  Why?

July Challenge
I am on a personal challenge to blog every day in July, just to see if I can do it. I would love to have you join me! If you are worried that you've missed a few days, please don't stress.. just jump on in! Maybe a month is too much, that's okay, try it for a week, or every other day, or once a week.. whatever works for you!

Don't forget to visit the other July bloggers and show them some love!
The bloggers (so far)
Robin at Flip! Learn! Share
Bridget at Reflections in the Plane
Teresa at GeometryWiz
Sherrie at Middle School Math Rules!
Brooke at Sined, Sealed, Calculated
John at Functions are Fun
Jedidiah at Math Butler
Pam at the radical rational
Roxy at Rockstar Math Teacher
Paul at TeacherPaulP
Tina at Palmer's Ponderings
Cindy at School Stuff
Robyn at Making Math Visible
Shelley at Making Math Visual

Add your blog in the comments if you would like to join in! :)


  1. I personally would prefer the first choice as it has each class in a column, so you can see a whole week at once. It is easier on the eyes to follow. I love having a to do list in your planner. If I hadn't already printed mine, I would do this...edit for second semester coming up.
    Kovescence of the Mind

  2. I kind of think of a planner as a file system of sorts. (I know, wha ...?) It's not where will you PUT things, but where you will FIND things. So in terms of a planner, I look for where will I find information that I will need later. It's for this reason that I like #2 because I think the layout has a cleaner look to it. I hope this helps. Good luck!

  3. Why don't you use each design for a week this summer and see what you think. I bet if you try each out you will soon see the pros/cons of each and which one will suit your needs better. I am dying to purchase the new Emily Lay organizer, but I think it will start for 2015 so I need to find something to get me through Sept-Dec.

  4. I prefer the layout of the second one. If you don't use the Saturday and Sunday spot, you could use that as a jot space.

    I use a layout similar to the second one. I don't have a jot space. I use sticky notes if I need to jot something for that day.

  5. I definitely feel that planners are a preference based on the person. I like #2 more because each day has it's own space unlike #1 that has Wednesday and Thursday combined. I have one to share with you that I use but wasn't sure how to add it. If you would like to see it let me know. :)

  6. Bhead:
    The reason Wednesday/Thursday are combined in Binder 1 is that we have block scheduling on those days. We only see our students 4 days a week.

    I am definitely open to other binders! I would love to see your layout.

  7. I would lean towards Option 1 personally. I'm more of a vertical thinker (strange...I know)!
