
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

July Blogging Challenge - Ramblings

July is almost over, which means the daily challenge is almost over.  I did not reach my goal of 31 posts in 31 days, but I did blog more than I ever have in a month's time, so I consider that a win.  A similar discussion happened on Twitter today and several of us decided to continue a weekly challenge throughout the school year.  If you would like to let your voice be heard, please add your comments to the Google Doc.  Right now, the thought I have is a Weekly Round-up, posted on either Saturday or Sunday that consists of either a 3-2-1 about your week or a #5Things post.  I'm definitely open to other thoughts, so please let me know in the Google Doc what you want to do.

Making Thinking Visible
Today was a rainy, chilly day, so I spent more time reading the Visible Thinking Resource Guide that I posted about last week.  I think this is going to be my major goal for this year.  It incorporates so much of what we have discussed through #EduRead on Exit Tickets and Writing, etc.  Tomorrow I plan to work on my Teacher Binder again, but this time I want to make sure it has a spot for me to keep track of strategies I use.  I want to keep myself accountable for Making Thinking Visible in my classroom.

Today, @JustinAion created a Twordle challenge, meaning he created a Wordle of his Twitter archive.  It's been fascinating to read the responses, so here's a Twordle of the 150 top words in my 38K tweets :)
I love that #sbarbook is pretty prominent, since that was one of our first Twitter bookclubs back in the summer of 2010.  I also see a lot of Twitter handles for people that I really enjoy talking with on Twitter, including quite a few that have been to TMC.

What does YOUR Twordle say about you? :)

July Challenge
I am on a personal challenge to blog every day in July, just to see if I can do it. I would love to have you join me! If you are worried that you've missed a few days, please don't stress.. just jump on in! Maybe a month is too much, that's okay, try it for a week, or every other day, or once a week.. whatever works for you!

Don't forget to visit the other July bloggers and show them some love!
The bloggers (so far)
Robin at Flip! Learn! Share
Bridget at Reflections in the Plane
Teresa at GeometryWiz
Sherrie at Middle School Math Rules!
Brooke at Sined, Sealed, Calculated
John at Functions are Fun
Jedidiah at Math Butler
Pam at the radical rational
Roxy at Rockstar Math Teacher
Paul at TeacherPaulP
Tina at Palmer's Ponderings
Cindy at School Stuff
Robyn at Making Math Visible
Shelley at Making Math Visual

Add your blog in the comments if you would like to join in! :)


  1. I just want you to know that I have been reading all your challenge posts this month, and I have found you to be engaging to read. I teach HS English and SS, but so much of what you have said is applicable.
    Kovescence of the Mind

  2. Sarah,

    Thank you! I appreciate your comment and that you took the time to read the posts! :)
