
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

July Blogging Challenge - Twas the Night Before TMC

‘Twas the night before TMC, when all through the campus
Not a thing was stirring, not even the tree branches;
The Presentation Hall chairs were all lined up with care,
In hopes that amazing math teachers soon would be there;
The attendees were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of “My Favorites” danced in their heads,
When on the 3rd floor there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my desk to see what was the matter.
Away up the stairs I flew like a flash,
Threw open the doorway, and down the hallway I dashed
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a mangled mess of tables and chairs!
With my beautiful chairs in such disarray,
I knew in a moment it would be a long day.
The day started with checking classrooms off the list,
“108!, 109, now 110 too!  117 must join in the mix,
On to 208, 209 and 210 as well, make sure 217 and 218 don’t get missed!”
Cleaning and dusting and making things just right,
And thankful that no one was coming into town tonight.
So around the building, campus and town I flew,
With a car full of goodies - and transportation paperwork too.
Arriving with great rumbling and minimal fuss
The power and energy of the Trojan Pride bus.
My principal is amazing, the shuttle he provides,
To make TMC better, instead of walking outside.
The nametags were printed, all perfect and aligned,
Checked and proofread, multiple times.
Folded and torn along the perforated lines,
Hoping no mistake would I later find.
The button machine took some figuring out,
But the buttons for the staff are beautiful, without a doubt!
Back to the mess of tables and chairs,
I started again, ‘I’ll fix this!”, I declared.
In just a few hours, the first attendees will arrive
Ready to go, I kicked into overdrive.
Into the closets, the tables all go,
Fifty chairs later, with sweat I was aglow.
Sonic ice was my friend as I took a break
One classroom still to be done, I thought with an ache.
Room 118, my room, has yet to be touched,
Into to nooks and crannies, random things I stuffed.
Piles of papers, on the cabinet they go,
Crissed and crossed, organization I forego.
The classrooms are all done, the Presentation Hall too
Just goody bags to assemble, the preparation is through.
Teachers arrive tomorrow, by plane and by car,
I’m ready to learn from these math superstars!
I look forward to tomorrow, with glee and delight,
Happy #TMC14 to all, and to all a good night!
July Challenge
I am on a personal challenge to blog every day in July, just to see if I can do it. I would love to have you join me! If you are worried that you've missed a few days, please don't stress.. just jump on in! Maybe a month is too much, that's okay, try it for a week, or every other day, or once a week.. whatever works for you!

Don't forget to visit the other July bloggers and show them some love!
The bloggers (so far)
Robin at Flip! Learn! Share
Bridget at Reflections in the Plane
Teresa at GeometryWiz
Sherrie at Middle School Math Rules!
Brooke at Sined, Sealed, Calculated
John at Functions are Fun
Jedidiah at Math Butler
Pam at the radical rational
Roxy at Rockstar Math Teacher
Paul at TeacherPaulP
Tina at Palmer's Ponderings
Cindy at School Stuff
Robyn at Making Math Visible
Shelley at Making Math Visual

Add your blog in the comments if you would like to join in! :)


  1. I love this. It makes me feel so cared for and cared about. Thank you for infusing TMC with heartfulness.


    Elizabeth (@cheesemonkeysf)

  2. Beautiful! Love the poetry ... and the heart behind wanting everything to be just right! Wish I was there!
