
Monday, November 17, 2014

NaBloPoMo - Day 17 - Winter, Go Away!

I know I had several ideas pop up throughout the day to blog about, but sometime between then and now, they floated away.  I'm going to blame it on my chilly classroom.  When I got to school this morning, the thermostat said 65 degrees and it didn't go much higher than that all day.  I know it's hard to keep the room toasty warm when the daytime high is 34, so I'm really looking forward to warmer temps later this week.

Thanksgiving is almost here.  It's always been my favorite holiday - food, family, and minimal drama.  However, this year will be a bit odd as our family transitions to the first holiday season without several key people.  As a result, our Thanksgiving plans were definitely up in the air until Hub's cousin messaged me yesterday to invite us to her house for dinner.  I'm rather jealous of Hub's family in general... he is the oldest of 6 or so cousins that are all within a few years of each other and they are just some of the most genuine people in the world.  I told the cousin that I would help with the cooking, so please send any favorite appetizer or dessert recipes my way!

Today I'm Thankful For:
Pinterest!  From outfit inspiration to yummy recipes, Pinterest always comes through for me.  Tonight I made brownies and found an outfit for tomorrow.. how awesome is that? :)  I'm such a visual person that I really love being able to bookmark pictures.

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