
Monday, November 3, 2014

NaBloPoMo - Day 3 - Daylight Savings Time

I don't get Daylight Savings Time at all.  I mean, I understand the original reasoning behind it, but that reasoning seems not to hold true as much in present day.  Don't get me wrong, I love to "Fall Back" just as much as anyone else, but this darkness at 5:30pm is for the birds!  I'm often in my classroom well into the evening hours and I hate how dark my classroom gets.  Of course, having the lights go out every 10 minutes doesn't help either.  I know the motion sensor lights were a great energy saving feature, but seriously, who likes having to get up and walk around the room every 10 minutes?  :)  I really wish we could just stay on one time all year round.

Feeling Chilly...
Fall has finally arrived in my neck of the woods.  We've had a much warmer than normal fall so far and until this weekend, we've even had the a/c running.  Today's forecast called for a daytime high of 68, so I thought I would be okay to push off wearing (and buying) tights to go under my skirts/dresses.  WRONG!  Apparently Mother Nature disagreed with the weather forecast and while the air temperature might have been 68, there was definitely a brisk wind that made it feel colder.  As a result, my bare legs were quite chilly today!  Thankfully, last week, hubby randomly bought me a gift for my classroom that helped keep me toasty warm today...

Yes, ladies and gents, that is a warm, fuzzy lap blanket complete with many, many digits of pi...  I had to share it with my students today and they all loved it.  I loved that my legs were nice and toasty while at my desk grading... #littlethingsinlife

Today I'm Thankful For:
A job that I love.  Granted, there are definitely times that I get frustrated with some of the excess junk, but for the most part, I love what I do.  I teach at one of the best schools in my state.  I have amazing students.  I have coworkers that are more like family than friends.  I am blessed in so many ways.  I didn't plan to end up at my school, it was a total fluke, but I'm so glad for the path that brought me here.  It's been 15 years so far and I'm excited to see what the next 15 years brings.

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