
Friday, November 7, 2014

NaBloPoMo - Day 7 - #5Things


It's been a very long week... one that I thought would never come to an end!  Today was actually the first day this week that I got my 10K steps in and that's because it was finally nice enough to walk to dinner with the hubby!  However, next week is supposed to have a MAJOR cold front, with highs in the 40s and nighttime lows in the 20s... BRRRR

With cold weather quickly approaching, here's a #5Things post about some of my favorite winter related things..

1)  Fleece lined tights!  OMG, where have I been the past few years?  These things are *a-maze-ing* and I encourage you to rush out and buy some right away!  I love that I will still be able to wear dresses and skirts this winter!

2)  Soup and Chili!  There's just something about colder weather that makes me crave potato soup and Frito chili pies!  Total comfort food for cold weather :)

3)  Remote Start!  I will NEVER again own a car that doesn't have a remote start option!  I absolutely adore that I can be getting ready in the morning, start my car from inside my warm house, and by the time I'm ready to leave, my car is toasty warm and ready for me to zoom off to school.

4)  Holidays!  To be honest, I'm not a huge fan of Christmas, but I really do love Thanksgiving.  I love having the opportunity to spend time with family without the stress and hassle of gifts.  The yummy food (read: desserts) doesn't hurt either!

5)  Fuzzy Blankets!  I've already shared my thankfulness for fuzzy blankets, but they make the winter so much better.  Last night, I even slept with one wrapped around me and it was the best night of sleep in ages!  I love the snuggly warmth of fuzzy blankets :)

Have a great weekend! :)

Today I'm Thankful For:
My neighborhood.  I truly love that we live in an area where we have easy access to several restaurants, shopping, movies, etc within a few minutes walk.  Tonight's walk to dinner originally started as a walk to a local Mexican restaurant, then due to a line and a longer wait than we wanted, we walked to a local pizza place instead.  Sadly, once the cold hits, we won't walk as much, but spring will be back soon!

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