
Saturday, August 1, 2015

Blaugust is Here! - Day 1

I've decided that this year, I'm going to participate in Blaugust.  In my hubby's twitter-blog-o-sphere, Blaugust is a daily blogging challenge through the month of August.  I've tried these in the past and usually tucker out around half-way through the month, but I'm going to give it a shot again.  This year, I've really slacked on blogging, so I'm hoping this is the shot in the arm that I need to get back to more regular posting. :)

Day 1's Prompt:  What are you hoping to get out of Blaugust this year?
(Note:  Blaugust was designed for the gaming community, so some prompts will be changed and/or modified to fit my own lifestyle.  If you have ideas for prompts that I can use on the days that I can't figure out a way to modify the Blaugust prompt, please post it in the comments.  Thank you!)

As mentioned above, this year was a tough one for me blogging wise.  In fact, this is post #8 for me for the entire year of 2015.  In contrast, in 2014, I had over 90 posts, so I'm a bit behind the curve! :)  I know that I get a lot out of blogging and reflecting on what happens in my classroom, so it is something that I want to return to.  However, I also know that every day that goes by, it's harder and harder to return to writing on a regular basis.  It gets easier every day to put it off and never get around to writing a post.  I know I need to blog for my personal and professional growth, but life gets in the way and by the time I get home, all I want to do is eat supper and fall into bed.

This morning, on my daily walk, I had this "Oh, crap, it's August!" moment that I'm sure most of you teachers are used to.  This year is the first year in many where I have not traveled at all through July and worked on home projects instead.  I have had a very productive summer, but I haven't really worked on school yet much at all, so I have to really buckle down over the next couple of weeks in order to be ready for kiddos on August 19.  I'm hoping the daily blogging will act as an accountability tool of what I've accomplished and my daily goals.

Wish me luck! :)

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