
Monday, May 2, 2016

#MTBoS30 - Finding Balance

Over the years, one thing that I have truly struggled with is finding a balance between my home and school life.  This is a common issue heard around the teacher table, so I know I'm not alone and I'm in great company... however, this year the lack of balance is really bothering me.

"Why?" you may ask... Well, that's something I've asked myself too.  I really don't know what is different this year other than I am turning 40 and having a mini mid-life crisis.  As a kid and young adult, 40 seemed the age of "grown-ups".  Now that 40 is just months away, I don't feel very grown up.  I don't feel like I have it all together and I should, right?  For some reason, 40 seems like such a milestone to me...

To be perfectly honest, I think the desire for balance is more than just my age.  My first love is the classroom and that needs to be brought back to the forefront of my mind.  Don't get me wrong, I haven't shortchanged my students in any way and they would never guess that I feel this way, but I really miss having the time and energy to create new engaging activities for them.  I am looking forward to spending time this summer reading and getting myself in the right mindset for rejuvenation.  I look forward to blogging and engaging with my PLN as I tackle this new era of my life.

Next year will be a time of change for me.  I am giving up some of my non-classroom responsibilities and that will be huge for me.  I will be taking on some new challenges as well, which will help me grow as a teacher and as a learner.  I will be refocusing my energies on my students and trying to connect with them on a regular basis.  I will find the balance that I sorely need in my life.

1 comment:

  1. Love this post! Balance is tricky to be sure. Keeping your focus on kids ... and knowing that you have to be good to yourself to maintain that focus ... to me that is the key.
