
Sunday, April 23, 2017

Making a difference - One Good Thing

Shoutout to Glenn Waddell (@gwaddellnvhs) - a friend of mine from Nevada.  Glenn and I struck up a friendship over our mutual love of teaching AP Statistics.  Thank you, Glenn for encouraging me to try this strategy!

There are only 4 more Fridays in this school year.  Part of me is happy and excited for Summer Break, but a huge part of me is sad because that means there are only 4 more 'High Five Fridays' left in the school year! :(

If you've been around the #MTBoS for a while, you've probably heard about Glenn and his High Fives.  If not, go read his post here or watch the Global Math Departmet webinar.

Glenn first shared his idea at #TMC15 and I quickly heard about it through all of the live-tweeting.  I mulled it over and dismissed the thought almost immediately.  I am a VERY introverted person and putting myself out there in the hallway to high five my students was extremely intimidating.  My kids would never guess how introverted I really am because I can fake it pretty well in the classroom.  However, the hallway was a totally different matter!  Through a ton of encouraging tweets, Glenn talked me down from my fears and I agreed to try it out on Fridays during the 2015-16 school year.


My kids loved it too!

It's hard to be in a bad mood or frown when you are getting a high five... just sayin' :)

But this year (2016-17) is where I've really seen the power of the High Five.

There's a young lady that I've seen walking down the hall this year.  I don't know her, I don't have her in class.  In early March, as she walked by my room, she shyly asked "Can I have a High Five too?".  This has continued each week until last Friday, and I did not see her.  On this past Monday, she was back and as she walked by, she again asked very shyly for a High Five.  I said, "Of course!  I missed getting my High Five from you on Friday!".  Her eyes brightened and she went on down the hallway to her class.  Yesterday, I wasn't in the hallway yet, I was standing just inside my door with a student and as this young lady walked by, she reached into my room with her hand held up and said "Happy Friday, Mrs. T!"

It's amazing how one little thing can make such a huge impact on a person's attitude as well as classroom culture.


  1. Shelly, You always inspire me to do more and be better. I am glad I had some small opportunity to share the awesomeness that is you back!

  2. Yay for blogging two days in a row!!! Did you schedule the post like you'd planned on? I find that all of my best blogging streaks result from scheduled posts. I tried the high-fives thing a couple of years ago, found it awkward, and gave up. Looking back, anything is going to be a bit awkward the first time. Thanks for sharing your story of how great things happened when you stepped out of your comfort zone. You are so inspiring!
