
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Geometry Reference Sheet - #MTBoS12Days

EEEKKKK - It's my last day of break!!!  I didn't quite make my 12 posts goal, but I was close - this is the 10th post, not counting the prompts post! 

#Made4Math - Geometry Reference Sheet

I know it's technically not Monday, but in my defense, I came up with the idea yesterday, just didn't get it together until today! :)

We start back to school tomorrow, but I have to be absent on Thursday because my mom is having a stent put in.  What do you do when you are absent on the 2nd day of a semester?  EEKK!  I already had planned to put together their notebooks that day, but in Geometry, that doesn't take too much time because we don't have a ton to tape in like in AP Stat.  I know!  Let's make a Reference Sheet!

So when I went to school today, I grabbed my first semester notebook, then I sat down with a blank piece of paper and started planning out a reference page.  This doesn't contain EVERYTHING we did first semester, but it has the most important things, I think... :)  If you see something missing, please let me know!

After taping in the few pages they need to tape in, the students will use their first semester notebook to complete the reference sheet.  Hopefully it will be a useful tool this semester!

If you want a copy of it, here it is in PDF (to preserve the fonts) and in DOC (if you wish to edit)

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