
Friday, April 20, 2018

#MyFavFriday - Back in School!

Woohooo!!!  We are back in school :)

From my last post, much has changed.  After Spring Break, we were back for one week before the statewide school shutdown started.  My district was closed for 10 days before we decided to go back to the classroom and start sending delegate teams to advocate for educational funding.  Saddest part is that we could have continued the walkout indefinitely but that would have hurt our most vulnerable students and staff more than anything.  I learned so much in my time at the Capitol, including the importance of staying engaged with the political process.  I walked away from the experience more invested, more informed, and more determined than ever to fight for my kids!  My kids and my classroom are my happy place and I am so glad to be back with them!

My Favorite Random Act of Kindness:
This technically didn't happen this week, but I can't let this act of kindness go without notice!

Oklahoma weather is crazy in general, so during the Walkout, we had some days where we needed sunscreen, some days where we needed blankets, and many days where we needed anchors. :)  But the worst day had to be the first Friday.  We weren't originally going to the Capitol that day because our state legislature typically does not meet on Fridays, but due to the Walkout, they met on a cold, rainy Friday.  Here I am, standing on the curb, bundled up in several layers, holding my sign and waving at the cars when a car pulls up beside me and this angel of a man asks if I am a coffee drinker and would I like something warm to drink?  He proceeds to hand me a tray of Starbucks Coffee cups, wished me well, and headed on his way.  I wish I had gotten his name because his small act of kindness meant so much to me that day.

My Favorite Welcome Back Comment:
On Monday, I greeted each of my students at the door with a High Five because I had missed 2 High Five Fridays due to the Walkout.  I was so happy to see my kids again!  As I was welcoming them back in the hallway, one of my students said "I missed you, Mrs. T!  Can I have a hug instead?" :)  Of course you can, my dear! :)

My Favorite Lesson of the Week:
In Forensics, we have started our Document Examination Unit, which covers handwriting, forgery, art crimes, and counterfeiting.  It is one of my favorite units all year because you never realize the details in handwriting until you are asked to analyze them for every detail.

On the first day, we practiced our signature and our natural handwriting to see about our own unique characteristics that we develop over time, then it was time to try matching handwriting samples and selecting which signature was forged!

I can't wait until we explore the art crimes and counterfeiting in the next few weeks :)

My Favorite Whiteboard Time of the Week:
Today in Geometry, we were reviewing for a quiz.  I told the students they could listen to music, move around, sit in the floor, use the whiteboards, whatever they needed to help them concentrate and be able to work.  One group immediately grabbed one of my bigger whiteboards and had it arranged so they could all draw and work on it.

I wish I understood why whiteboards pull out the best in kids - I know the non-permanence creates less anxiety about being "wrong", but there's something about whiteboards in general that just encourage conversations that wouldn't happen otherwise.  I love that errors are easily fixed and the willingness to just try something.

I don't have much this week because I was so wrapped up in just enjoying my kids that I forgot to take a lot of pictures! :)  Maybe I'll be better next week...

But it's SOOOOO good to be back! :)

Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    Sorry for the comment here; I couldn't find a contact page. I am a research reporter for Education Week, and I'm working on a story on statistics pathways in math and science in K-12. Might you have time to chat with me? My email is
    Thank you,
    Sarah Sparks
