
Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Welcome to #MTBoSBlaugust 2018

Holy moly, the last day of July is upon us, which means that Blaugust starts TOMORROW!

What is Blaugust?
Blaugust is a blogging challenge for the month of August.  We'd love to have you join in the fun - just click here to sign-up!

How often do I have to blog?
That's up to you! :)  Each person sets their own Blaugust goal - maybe you want to try blogging every day, or twice a week, or ten times throughout the month, or whatever!

What if I don't want to (or don't have a) blog?  Can I still participate?
Sure!  One of the hardest parts of blogging is the feeling of "shouting into the wind".  If you don't have time to blog, but still want to join in, it would be great if you could commit to reading and / or commenting on the participating blogs, or tweeting out a link to a post that resonates with you.  Encouragement and positive feedback can go a long way to helping the participants meet their personal blogging goals!

I don't know what to write about!?!?!
Don't worry - here's a list of over 50 prompts to help you out! :)

Now... on to this year's bloggers:

2018 #MTBoSBlaugust Participants:
Kim Charlton @logicalpoetry - Logical Poetry
@sgiekAHS - Rise Over Run
Anna Blinstein, @ablinstein - Borscht With Anna
Andy Shores / @abshores - Unknown Quantity
Krystal Evans / @krystalarevans - The Evans Equation
Amy Zimmer/@zimmerdiamonds - Ms Z. Teaches in Mathland
@ilanacyna - Teaching to the nth Degree
@ClaireVerti - I DeClaire
@pamjwilson - The radical rational
Cori Colby (@mrschz) - I like to party and by party, I mean teach math
Julie Morgan @fractionfanatic - Fractionfanatic
@geonz - resource room blog
@mathbythmt - Math by the Mountain
Seth Risinger @MrRisinger - Distinctly Non-Normal
@alexandraotto - Ottograph
@elhistuck - Unnamed
Kirsten / @klsilverman - Numbers
@jab8115 - Mathkins
Kelsey Holley, @kelzholley - Math With Ms. Holley
@MarshaFosh73 - Math-termind
@MathEasyAsPi - Math.Easy.As.Pi
Stacy Eyton. @MrsMathEyton - Eyton Sum Pi
@benjamin_leis - Math off the grid
@DamionBeth - Unrestricted Domain
Teri Ryan @geometrywiz - Journey of a Mathematics Educator
@Caitlyn_Gironda - Give Me a Sine
KellyMSpoon - Flipping Statistics
@letsplaymath Denise Gaskins - Let's Play Math
George Carganilla , @CarganillaRHS - Out Of My Comfort Zone
@chatelet0211 - Hazeleyedmathnut
@daniellereycer - Teaching and Growing
anne_mayre - La Vie en violet
@abel_jennifer - Mathsational
@megandubee - Megan Dubee
@MrKitMath - Those who teach, do more
Jonathan Schoolcraft/@jschool0218 - Algebracraft: The Tales of a High School Math Teacher
@stewy915 - Just one conjecture away
Matt Coaty @mcoaty - Educational Aspirations
@davidwees - The Reflective Educator
jennalaib - Embrace the Challenge
Misscalcul8 - Misscalcul8
@michaeltang09 - Michael Tang - Medium
John O'Malley IV @jomalleyiv - Functions Are Fun
@mrsjtweetsmath - Mrs Js Classroom
Marissa G @viemath - La Vie Mathématique
@JennSWhite - MathihgOutLoud
Heather Bolur @hbolur7 - Cupcakes and Pi
@anneagost - 53 Degree Shift
Jlwilliams314 - Mrs. Williams is "Off on a Tangent!"
@aspellk - Wandering Asymptotes
Julie Reulbach @jreulbach - I Speak Math
Bear St. Michael @bearstmichael - Questions About Math
@mathykeithc - mathykeithc
Denise Russo @bluebeagle - Stranger in a Strange Land
Allison Yokeley - Algebra, Graphs & Laughs
Megan Heine @MeganHeine - Peace Love Math
Steve Dull (@thedullguy) - Tweaking For No Reason
Amy Gruen @sqrt_1 - Square Root of Negative One Teach Math
@mary_dooms - Curiouser and Curiouser
Lucy @lsquared76 - Dividing by Zero
@rlawsum - Mathy blog
Nina Tandle / @misstandle - Tandle Tangents
Jenn Vadnais @rilesblue - Communicating Mathematically
@mythematics - Mythematics
Carl Oliver carloliwitter - Carl's teaching blog
@jacrichardson - High Heels and No. 2 Pencils
Jfinneyfrock - Designatedderiver
mathplusmusic - Math Plus Music
@askmrsmartinez - A Call To Action: Be a Math Unicorn
Kaycee Dammann, @kayceedammann - A Tech Coach Teaches Math
helfrederick - one more problem
Beth Ferguson - Algebra's Friend
MrLeNadj - Math Coolisms
@johnsonmath - The Conic Card Lady's New Adventure
Angela Censoplano Holmes - Life is a Classroom, A teacher's journey
Amber Brewer @srabrewer - Edu-Coach-ion
@mrswilliamyu - Math Coach on Demand
Michelle Rinehart (@HowWeTeach) - How We Teach
mathinct678 - mathinct678
Jessica (@algebrainiac1) - Algebrainiac - Are you pondering what I'm pondering?
sedulaney - Go to Sleep. Study. Mathinate.
Jonathan Schoolcraft @jschool0218 - Algebracraft: The Tales of a High School Math Teacher

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