
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

#MTBoSBlaugust is here!

Today is July 31, which means that Blaugust starts TOMORROW!  

What is Blaugust?
Blaugust is a blogging challenge for the month of August.  We'd love to have you join in the fun - just click here to sign-up!

How often do I have to post?
That's up to you! :)  Each person sets their own Blaugust goal - maybe you want to try blogging every day, or twice a week, or ten times throughout the month, or maybe blogging isn't your thing so you want to try Instagram - go for it - this is YOUR goal and you need to do what works for you!

Can I participate without posting?
Sure!  One of the hardest parts of blogging is the feeling of "shouting into the wind".  If you don't have time to blog, but still want to join in, maybe you could commit to tweeting out a link to a post that resonates with you or posting a comment.  Encouragement and positive feedback can go a long way to helping the participants meet their personal blogging goals!

I don't know what to write about!?!?!
Don't worry - here's a list of over 50 prompts to help you out! :)

Now... on to this year's participants:

2019 #MTBoSBlaugust Participants:

Ali Grace Eiland (@AGEiland) - Graphs and Glasses
Benjamin leis @benjamin_leis - Math off the grid
@mrarakaki - IG - @mrarakaki
@Caitlyn_Gironda - Give Me a Sine
Kim Charlton @logicalpoetry - Logical Poetry
@MickieGibbs2 - Mrs. Gibbs Flips Algebra 1
@MickieGibbs2 - IG - mrsgibbsmathmatters
Amanda (AB Teacher) - IG - goingbatty07
@MathEasyAsPi - Math.Easy.As.Pi
Morgan Stipe @mrsstipemath - Mrs. Stipe Math
@chatelet0211 - Hazeleyedmathnut
@mcoaty - Educational Aspirations
Steve Dull, @thedullguy - Tweaking For No Reason
@CoopDi - math_wiz
Pam Harris @pwharris - MathIsFigureOutAble
@MrKitMath - Those who teach, do more.
@roy_tomlinson - Mindfulness in Life
@ilanacyna - Teaching to the nth Degree
cleverclue - IG - Yellow Springs Science Castle
@elhistuck - Elena Histand Stuckey
Sara Buck @missbuckteaches - Miss Buck Teaches
@gwaddellnvhs - Success
@anneagost - 53 Degree Shift
@pamjwilson - the Radical Rational
Jenn Vadnais. @rilesblue - Communicating Mathematically
@BridgetDunbar - Reflections in the Plane
Marissa @viemath - La Vie Mathématique
mcginnismath - mcginnismath
@samjshah - Continuous Everywhere But Differentiable Nowhere
@geonz - Resource Room Blog
Beth - Algebra's Friend
@zimmerdiamonds - Ms Z Teaches in Mathland
James @JamesDCPDX - On the Mathpath

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