
Tuesday, December 29, 2020

#MTBoSYuleBlog - One Word Challenge


What is the Yule Blog Challenge?  Over Winter Break, I'm going to attempt to blog 12 times, sharing reflections of 2020 and what I'm looking forward to in 2021.  I would love for you to join in the blogging fun - read more about the challenge by clicking here!

One Word Challenge

Many of us often do New Year's Resolutions, but honestly, I find them difficult as a teacher.  

For us, our "New Year" starts in August and for me, it's easier to think about timing any resolutions to the school year cycle.  Also, the New Year starts on January 1, but I struggle with starting something in the middle of a week or in the middle of a vacation.  I would be much more successful if I aligned it to January 4 (or whatever day we go back to school for the Spring Semester).

As a result, my resolutions rarely work out.  ☹️☹️☹️

But a few years ago, I heard about the One Word Challenge on Twitter

I've now done this for a few years... one word that guides me through the year, that helps me make the big decisions.  A few years ago, the word was Intentional.  Last year, the word was Courage.

This year, my word is...

2020 was a rough year for many of us and while there were definitely good things, I allowed too many things not in my control to steal my joy.  

At #TMC15, Christopher Danielson said in his keynote: "Find what you love. Do more of that." 

In other words - find what brings you joy!  This idea is also found in the Marie Kondo philosophy - does it spark joy?  If not, why have it?   

Years ago, our daily announcements at my school ended with the statement: "Make it a great day or not - the choice is yours!"

In 2021, my goal is to chose JOY and to use that as a guiding principle throughout the year.

This year, I commit to finding joy in the following:

  • New Challenges - I have truly enjoyed learning more about Desmos and EdTech during 2020 and I want to continue challenging myself to learn more
  • My Students - Yesterday, I saw a quote that said something about "The best part of my job is the kids.  The worst part of my job is everything else" - that rings true for me in a lot of ways!
  • Connections and Relationships - I honestly couldn't have made it through 2020 without the relationships I've fostered over the years and I want to focus even more on those connections
  • Me Time - I struggle with this one... I have a tendency to put others (especially my students) ahead of everything else.  I want to release that pressure and be okay with putting myself above others for just a bit of me time each day
  • In Failure - Another toughie... yesterday's post lamented the kids that have slipped between the cracks, but Pam reminded me later in text about the kids that I have connected with, the kids that know they are loved and cared for.  I've not reached every child, but honestly, in the best of years, I don't reach every child.  I can only do so much.  (please keep reminding me and yourself about this one!)
2020 was a year filled with anxiety and new experiences.  There were definitely good things that came from those challenges, but it's time for me to focus on calming my spirit and finding the JOY in all things.

1 comment:

  1. Joy -- you're right, that is a word we want to hear more of in the new year. And I hope you do feel joy in 2021. I'm glad you feel joy with your students -- and during "me" time.
