
Saturday, January 1, 2022

#MTBoSYuleBlog - One Word Challenge for 2022


One Word Challenge for 2022

Winter Break is coming to an end and like so many years before now, I will not have met my goal of 12 posts, but that's okay!  If you've been reading along, I appreciate you!  This blog is meant as a reflection tool and journal of my teaching journey.

Today is the first day of 2022.  The end of 2021 brought some sadness as we said goodbye to our last Golden Girl - Betty White.  The Omicron variant has us all wondering what Winter 2022 will bring, but in the midst of the unknown and the sorrow comes a new beginning.  In my devotion today was this quote:

"Every single day of our lives we get a new set of twenty-four hours to be the people that God calls us to be."

I think that sometimes we forget that new beginnings don't just happen when the calendar turns over, but they can happen every single day.  Don't get me wrong - there's something magical about a new calendar / planner page - a new time of possibilities and choices, but that is also true each day as we start anew.

For the past several years, I've joined the One Word Challenge, where you choose one word to guide your year.  In 2021, my "calendar year" word was Joy and my "school year" word is Lego.

For 2022, my word is...

2021 took me to new places - in 2022, I want to explore those new places, create new opportunities for learning and growing, and just enjoy the ride.  The past two years have taught us that the future is unpredictable and that each day is precious.  

(Source:  Google Images)