
Friday, September 7, 2012

My Favorite Friday #7

Welcome to another awesome week of #MyFavFriday, featuring posts from around the blogosphere!

Don't forget to submit YOUR #MyFavFriday post HERE

Now on to Week 7's posts...

@druinok - My Favorite New Tech Toy

Julie Reulbach, @jreulbach - Mega White Boards

Simplifying Radicals @noraoswald - Try, Try Again

@reminoodle - High School Student Randomness

School of Fisher - Song of the Week

@sevenfooter1 - Mathematician in the Village

radical rational - 2>4! and Tetris Costume

@4mulafun Jennifer Smith-Sloane - My Fav Friday- Stop and Take Time for Others

@MsMac622 - "Prepared" Lunches

@aeakland - Visions of PEMDAS danced in my head

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