Oh my goodness - we've now been in school for a *month*!! I swear, every year, time goes by faster and faster!
It's been a long week, full of very tired moments, but overall, I am having a great year. I have another group of fabulous kids, I'm teaching subjects I love, and I just feel at peace with a heart of joy this year. That doesn't mean that every day is sunshine and roses, but I am so excited to see what this year brings! My only regret so far is that I've been really bad at blogging. :( :( Maybe as the year progresses, I'll get better! :)
This morning, while browsing Instagram, I ran across a post from @bybmg that referenced her "High Five Friday" of the week, where she celebrates 5 favorite moments. I'm totally stealing that idea this week! :)
I also love that this ties in to the "High Five Friday" theme of my classroom. I even had a kid yesterday say "This is my favorite part of the week!" as they walked by and received their High Five! :)
(P.S. - Yes, I know that I have yet to post a "My Favorite Friday" post on an actual Friday... But by Friday night, I'm totally worn out! :) )
High Five Friday #1 - Back to School Night
Tuesday night, after a VERY long block day with no planning period, we had our Back to School night. When I say it was a long day - it was a day that I made it to 10K steps and I didn't even exercise that day! But the best part was visiting with some amazing parents - one parent came up to me with tears in her eyes and said "I just want to thank you. You were our child's math teacher last year and I'm so glad our child has you again this year. Our child actually *likes* math again! Thank you for all you do!" Then, between "classes", the young lady that last year came by every Friday to get a High Five comes by with her parents and says, "Mom! This is the teacher that gives High Fives every Friday!!" Remember, I've never even had this student in class, I don't know her name at all, but every Friday, like clockwork, she is there for her High Five and it was important enough that she had even told her parents about it. As teachers, we often don't know the impact we make on our students and parents. Every day, I am grateful that I am blessed to love what I do and to be able to share that love with my students. What an uplifting night, even though I was *exhausted* the next day! :)
High Five Friday #2 - Dry Erase Sleeves
I purchased my dry erase sleeves several years ago when I found them at the Target Dollar Spot for $1 each. Since then, many people in the MTBoS have posted about them. I have used them pretty much every day in Geometry and even have kids that ask for them if I forget. In Geometry this week, we were working on the distance and midpoint formulas. I had found
this template on Pinterest and quickly made one for my students. I have some students that definitely struggle with integer operations, so the template was very useful for keeping everything in order. In fact, this student found it so useful that they borrowed one to take home to finish up their homework problems. Even better - when I glanced at this student's quiz on Friday, they had everyone of the distance formula problems correct! WIN!! :)
High Five Friday #3 - First Lab is Done!
In Forensic Science, we've got our hands full with 48 students and 2 teachers. This is the largest class we've ever had and my co-teacher has been fabulous, even though she had to hit the ground running with only 2 days notice that her entire schedule had changed. We tackled our first lab this week with kids going out with a clean, new sock and exploring Locard's Exchange Principle, which leads us into the analysis of trace evidence, both macro and microscopically.
High Five Friday #4 - Coffee? #YesPlease
Friday morning, one of my students comes up to me in the hallway with a cup carrier and says "I didn't know what kind of coffee you liked, but here's a coffee and a chocolate doughnut to start your day!" Oh child, you are a true blessing! After a long week, I knew I would need some extra caffeine to get through the day and some added sugar didn't hurt either! :)
(For anyone that isn't local - QT is QuikTrip, which is a convenience store / gas station chain that is simply amazing. This was a French Vanilla Cappucino, but their hot cocoa is quite yummy as well! :)
High Five Friday #5 - #teach180
This year, I'm trying to do a better job with #Teach180 and I've finally found the platform that works for me! I tried several years ago to do a #180blog, then I tried Twitter, but I really struggled to keep up with it and the character limitation on Twitter was difficult plus it was hard to monitor my own progress over the year. This year, I am trying out Instagram and I *LOVE* it. I shared it with my principal earlier in the week as a way he could virtually visit our classroom and I shared it with the parents at Back to School night, encouraging them to follow as well. I've received some really positive comments from the parents and administration team.
What were the highlights of your week? :)