Thursday, January 4, 2018

2018 Classroom Focus

In previous years, I have posted my "mantra" for the year, usually in August.  This year, I didn't post one because honestly I didn't know what my classroom focus would be.  I had plenty of ideas for my personal life, but very little for my professional life.

But, as always, it was @pamjwilson to the rescue.  (If you don't read Pam's blog or follow her on twitter - go do that now.. She's *amazing*)

Over Winter Break, I happened to catch a twitter discussion between Pam and Elissa regarding goals for the new year.  Over the next few days, Pam and I chatted a few times about formative assessment and some of our previous #EduRead books.  One of the books we discussed was Embedding Formative Assessment by Dylan Wiliam, a book that I had started a few years ago, but only read through Chapter 3 before life bogged me down.  :)

Reading this book was already on my to-do list, but after seeing the twitter discussion and Pam's goals, I moved the book to the top of my pile.  

I'm so glad I did, because I finally found my classroom focus for 2018! :)

Such a simple, yet powerful, set of questions to help guide my semester.

What is your classroom focus for 2018?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha. Im going tp add another question... how do you know they learned it?