Monday, September 10, 2012

Made 4 Math - A tribute and some lessons

Welcome to this week's #Made4Math! My laminator and I had a lot of fun this week, that I'm hoping to pass on to you :)

But first, something personal. I don't usually post a lot of personal information here, but it's been a sad weekend at my house. Last week, my husband's grandfather passed away. He was 94 years old, a WWII veteran, and a great guy. As I was preparing my sub plans on Saturday evening and about to go downstairs to bed, my husband calls up that something is wrong with one of the ferrets. One of our boys, Bandit, was having a seizure. We called our vet, who sent us to the emergency hospital. The doctors tried everything they could to stabilize him, but on Sunday morning about 11am, we had to let him go. He was 6.5 years old and a very loved member of our family. If you aren't an animal person, you may not understand why I'm sitting here in tears typing this, but our animals are our children and we love them dearly. Rest in peace, my little man.

Thank you for letting me share my sorrow with you.

Project #1 - Foldable
While the weekend was pretty crummy, I did have some productive moments this week! First up is the very first foldable I've ever made for AP Stat:

The font on the front is "Puffy Dreamland" - isn't it cute! :) Get this file HERE.

The kids really liked the foldable and on the inside we took notes and drew the corresponding diagrams for each type. Then they glued their foldable into their notebooks. This project leads us to....

Project #2 - Card Sort
Let me start off by saying that Card Sorts are one of my most favorite formative assessment techniques! The basic idea of a Card Sort is to give each group a set of cards and they sort them into similar characteristics. This Card Sort works hand in hand with the previous foldable:

After finishing up the foldable, I wanted students to practice on identifying the types of experimental design. I browsed through various textbooks until I found 4 Completely Randomized experiments, 4 Randomized Block experiments, and 4 Matched Pairs experiments, printed them onto colored paper, laminated them and cut them out. Then I gave each group a set of cards and told them to sort them by Experimental design. The conversations were awesome to overhear! After the group sorted their cards correctly, they had to verbalize to me what the unifying theme of each design was, then pick one card of each type to draw the flowchart of the experiment. This really helped to solidify each type of design. You can get the file HERE.

Project #3 - Multiple Representations
A few years ago, I stumbled upon this website for Pre-AP resources. One of the activities there was a multiple representations matching activity for Piecewise Functions:

The idea is for students to match the graph to the scenerio to the table to the equation. Since piecewise functions are on my lesson plans for the upcoming week, I thought this would be a fun activity for the kids to try. I'll try to take some pictures of this activity in progress :)

Don't forget to check out all of the other #Made4Math projects!


Fawn Nguyen said...

I'm so sorry for your recent losses. <3<3 I wasn't an animal person until I got my first puppy a year ago. Within the first week I went to bed sobbing one night because I was already thinking of her leaving us before our time. They are family, and you gave Bandit his best years. I love his name. Thank you for sharing.

I have a similar multiple representations set for algebra, but I need make a new set and laminate them. That might be my next investment, a laminator.

Sherrie said...

I'm very sorry to hear about the loss of your grandfather and your beloved pet.

I LOVE the idea of having the kids match up the multiple representations. I may have to use that.

druin said...

Thank you both - it has been a hard week.

Anonymous said...

The foldable project and card sort activity are awesome! I can't wait to do these in my AP class, but I think that the link for the foldable is not working. If it's not too much trouble, would you be willing to send it to me? Thanks again for sharing all of your wonderful ideas and hard work!

Anonymous said...

The foldable project and card sort activity are awesome! I can't wait to do these in my AP class, but I think that the link for the foldable is not working. If it's not too much trouble, would you be willing to send it to me? Thanks again for sharing all of your wonderful ideas and hard work!

Teacher Sarah said...

These ideas are great! Is the link is the link for the foldable broken? I can't seem to open it.

Teacher Sarah said...

Hi there! I'm not sure if my posts are coming through to you or not. I've tried this a few times from various devices just to be sure.

First let me say that I love your blog! You have so many great ideas! Thank you for sharing! My reason for writing is that I think the link for project #1,the foldable, isn't working. I'd love to download it for use in our interactive notebook in my AP stats class.

Thanks again!!!