Just a reminder that the #MTBoS Sunday Funday challenge is back! This is a weekly blogging prompt that is hosted over at Julie's blog and this week's theme is "First Day / First Week Plans"
Every week, Julie will push out a new topic, you blog about it and submit your blog post using this Google Form. On Sunday, there will be a huge list of awesome blogs to go read! :) YAY!
As always, this is a no pressure blogging challenge, so if you don't feel like blogging, that's okay! But since one of my yearly goals is to blog more, this is a great way to get myself back into the groove!
Next week starts my 20th year of teaching. OMG! Where did time go?? There's no way that I'm in year 20, I'm still just a young whipper-snapper, right? (Said as my knees start to creak and I grumble like an old curmudgeon.) I officially start on Monday, but I've been up there off and on for the past few weeks working on my classroom. Our kiddos report next Friday... eekkk! I have *so* much lesson planning to do!
This year, I will have 3 preps: AP Statistics (Year 18); Forensic Science (Year 6); and Geometry (Year ?? but really year 1 again.. last time I taught it was 2008 or so!)
All Classes:
On Day 1, I'm definitely a fan of getting my students to work right away on math and critical thinking. Since we start school on a Friday, it's a great way to get them started with our first High Five Friday of the year!!!
I tend to have big classes and I'm horrible with names, so I have my kids make name tents. I originally stole this idea from attending (many) AVID summer institutes and workshops over the years. Each student has a piece of cardstock that they fold "hot dog" style and the following instructions are on the board:
With AVID, the inside of the name tent is printed, but I just have my students draw lines, mainly so I can save on my copy count :) These name tents serve as my exit tickets each day as well as my Visible Random Grouping for the first week of school. Each day, I respond to the students, then shuffle the name tents and toss 4 on each table. Super simple! :)
AP Statistics:
After the name tents are made, it's time to dive into some statistics. For the past 8 years or so, I've started the same way - the story of Kristen Gilbert. Many years ago (2008 maybe?), I was shopping along in Borders (which hasn't even been in existence since like 2011), I ran across a book titled "The Numbers behind Numb3rs".
Like many math teachers, I enjoyed the Numb3rs TV show, so I quickly purchased the book and started reading. Low and behold, the 2nd chapter was entitled "Fighting Crime with Statistics 101". This chapter quickly grabbed my attention and I knew I had to build a lesson out of this story.
I immediately contacted Hedge, who was also teaching AP Statistics at the time, and we collaborated on a first day lesson, you know that whole 'hook em with a story' idea. :)
Over the years, I've contemplated doing a different activity, but I always end up coming back to Ms. Gilbert... :)
With Geometry, my plans are a bit more fluid. I haven't taught Geometry in many years and I'm not quite sure what to expect. Right now, I have a lot of mini activities, all stolen from the MTBoS planned for them:
- My classroom is always set up in groups and we change those groups often. After their name tents are done, I plan to start with Sara Vanderwerf's 100 numbers activity in order to start that discussion on what makes effective group work.
- Then, each group will get a deck of cards to do Sarah Rubin's 31-derful activity. I've used this activity as a first day activity in Intermediate Algebra as well as a time filler in Pre-Calculus and it's always a hit. This encourages critical thinking, communication, and some low-floor math.
- If there is time remaining, Julie (@fractionfanatic) posted some awesome puzzles this week from @1to9puzzle, so I quickly started following that twitter account. Each day, they post a new challenge and I definitely plan to use these as time fillers over the year!

Sadly, this is about as far as I've gotten on my lesson plans! :) Now I'm off to figure out day 2! :)
I tried the Kristen Gilbert activity based on you post, but I must have missed something; it seemed to lack the punch others have experienced.. Any suggestions to make it go smoothly?
I'm wondering if it would be possible to get a copy of the activity you use in your AP Stats class on Day 1? Thank you! I'm new to teaching AP Stats this year and I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. Looking for all I can to help.
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