Thursday, June 20, 2024

Life Update - A New Adventure

What a year this has been!  When I last posted, I was reflecting on the NCTM Annual Conference that was held in October in Washington, D.C.  What an amazing trip that was and I still have some sessions I did not get a chance to blog about, but then the holidays came... and winter came... and ... and ... and ...

One of those "ands" came this winter when I decided to apply to grad school!  I think I'm having a mid-life crisis :)

Seriously though, I just finished Year 26 in the classroom and even though I've looked at grad school several times, it was just never the right time, the right fit, the right (fill in the blank).  But this time, I decided to go for it!  One of the universities in my state has an online Master's program with 7-week classes that fit my budget and my available time, so within a few days of applying for the program, I had been accepted and on my way to a degree in Curriculum & Instruction - Math Education.

Oh my - what did I get myself into???

So much of who I am as a teacher is thanks to the #MTBoS, so it has been very validating to tie in my coursework with all of the things I have learned from so many amazing people around the globe.  

I'm currently finishing up my 2nd term in the program.  When school starts back in August, I will have 5 classes done, with a scheduled completion date of Spring 2025.  It's truly been a great experience so far, even though writing my first research paper *in this century* was slightly terrifying!

Wish me luck!

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