Sunday, November 16, 2014

NaBloPoMo - Day 16 - Sunday Summary Week 14

Welcome to the #MTBoSChallenge! 

Each week there are two options:
  • On Saturdays, you can choose to blog on a weekly prompt.  Go check out the awesome and amazing posts submitted this week at Middle School Math Rules.  No worries if you didn't blog yesterday, you can still submit your post using the linky at the bottom of her post.
  • On Sundays, you can choose to blog a Sunday Summary of your week.  The idea for the Summary is to provide you a way to reflect on the past week and share what you are looking forward to this coming week.
Feel free to choose either option (or BOTH!), add it to the linky on the host page and don't forget to tweet it with the hashtag #MTBoSChallenge as well!

Now on to my post for the day...

My Sunday 3-2-1 Summary

3 things I'm excited about this week:
  • The return of warmer weather!!  After a week of 35 degree days, I'm done with winter and ready for the return of higher temps.  By mid-week, we are supposed to be back in the 50s, which is MUCH closer to our typical November weather!
  • Baking!!  I have some new recipes I want to try out before Thanksgiving.  That means that my coworkers will be reaping the benefits :)
  • #EduRead of course!  Last week was such an awesome chat that I'm really looking forward to this week too!  Read the Storify of last week's convo:  Click here

2 things on my to-do list:
  • Catch up on grading!  I gave a project last week and now I have 130 posters to grade... UGH! :)  On the positive side, they look really cool!  To top it off, my kids have a quiz this week too! :(
  • Work on Making Thinking Visible!  I have fallen down the past few weeks on this one.  I really would like for someone to be able to walk into my room after hours and be able to see what all we have done.  Right now, it feels very generic in my room once the kids are gone. :(

1 thing I'm thankful for today:
  • Snow!!  Today was the first snow of the season, which is way earlier than normal.  However, there is just something peaceful about watching the snow drift down and cover the ground.  Thankfully our ground temps are still warm, so it will go away soon! :)

1 comment:

Sherrie said...

Thanks for posting this. I took the challenge! Trying to get myself back into blogging.