Saturday, December 17, 2022

Brushing off the Blog for the Yule Blog Challenge

Today is the first day of my Winter Break!  That means it's time for me to reflect on this year and hopefully get back into a blogging habit.  I would LOVE for you to join me!  Some people celebrate 12 days of a holiday, but for me, it's about 12 days of blogging.

Your challenge... if you choose to accept it... is to blog 12 times over your Winter Break.  There are prompts listed below, but don't feel like you have to blog in this order or even use the prompts at all!  You'll also notice that there are more than 12 prompts - that's in case you want to combine some or if you don't like one or more of them!  But again, the prompts are only there as a suggestion when you don't know what else to blog about! :)

Please share your post with us in the comments or via Twitter using the hashtag #MTBoSYuleBlog - I can't wait to read your reflections on 2022!!

  • A success story from 2022...
  • A challenge I faced in 2022...
  • A peek into my classroom...
  • My favorites of 2022...  (lesson, activity, tool, strategy, memory, anything)
  • #Made4Math... share something you made this year
  • Something unexpected that I faced / learned...
  • Something new I tried (or still want to try) this year...
  • Start / Stop / Continue in 2023...
  • A tool or strategy from 2022 that I will continue to use in the future...
  • 3 good things from 2022...
  • A look back at my professional growth...
  • What I learned in 2022...
  • My favorite lesson of 2022.... or one that totally flopped...
  • Read 3 - 3 books, blog posts, tweets, or podcasts that impacted me in 2022...
  • What's on my to-be-read pile for 2023...
  • What worked (and what didn't) in 2022...
  • What I'm looking forward to in 2023...
  • My goals / #OneWordChallenge for 2023...



Nancy in Indiana said...

Yay! It's good to hear from you, and I'm looking forward to reading updates on your blog. I might even join the Yule Blog Challenge myself.

druin said...

Nancy - Thanks! Would love to have you join in :)